Driving MRO efficiency
PPE Reduces Risk - OEM - Excerpt

Why PPE expertise reduces risks for manufacturers

Working with specialist Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suppliers can help manufacturers to reduce health and safety risks and more
Delivering efficiencies PPE CS1

Delivering procurement efficiencies with PPE

For those operating in the Food & Beverage sector, sourcing PPE supplies has long been critical to operations, even before the pandemic.

How to future-proof your tender process

It’s important to follow best practice when tendering for the indirect category of supplies for Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO). But one size does not fit all businesses and it’s vital to m...

2021 Indirect Procurement Report

The 2021 Indirect Procurement Report provides an in-depth look at the category for Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO), the continued impact of COVID-19 and the role of technology and sustainab...
Continuity - excerpt

Maintaining continuity in MRO

You might expect the pandemic to have pushed business continuity planning for critical parts up the agenda in 2021 Indirect Procurement Report. But it hasn't. Why is this and what lessons can we learn...
Stakeholders - excerpt

Managing stakeholders - a critical skill for MRO procurement

In the 2021 Indirect Procurement Report the percentage of people saying managing stakeholders is a daily challenge rose to almost half. So how can you improve relationships?
Sustainability - excerpt

Making MRO sustainable

Sustainable and ethical procurement has risen to the top of the agenda for MRO professionals. With stakeholders expecting the highest standards, procurement holds the company's reputation in its hands...
Covid - excerpt

Managing the COVID recovery in MRO

After the disruption caused by the pandemic, recovery has brought its own problems as organisations try to scale up production. The pressure is on to get things moving again. So what should MRO do nex...